Friday, June 11, 2010

Landowner PZ

Wild Turkey Farm, Wilsonville

Situation: Balloon flew low over farm this morning spooking horses. Horses broke through a fence. No injuries.
Wild Turkey Farm is a large horse breeding farm located approx. 3 miles west of Wilsonville on Wilsonville Road. The farm occupies land on both sides of Wilsonville Road. For the past couple of years this farm has been transitioning into a breeding farm from a show farm. The area north of Wilsonville is being into lots with the intent of having homes with horses. A number of very large barns have been constructed on the north side and are easily identified. These barns are stall and breeding areas.
The caretaker has requested that Balloons avoid the area if possible and maintain at least 1,000 Feet AGL while in the area.
The caretaker indicated that the Owner would be moving in soon and that they absolutely did not want balloons upsetting the livestock.

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